Publications Collage


Back issues of the annual Journals of the Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley, as well as Other Publications, and Prints

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Volume XIV– The Konigmacher Family of the Cocalico Valley by Clarence E. Spohn

This issue of the Society’s journal features the genealogical and historical record of the members of the Cocalico Valley’s Konigmacher family associated with the Ephrata Cloister during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Paperback, 50 pages, illustrated, includes family tree, 6″ x 8-7/8″.

Year: 1987 ID: BK#1
Out of Stock

1991 Journal

Volume XVI – A History of Ephrata, 1591 – 1891, A Chronological Account of Ephrata Village by Milton F. Jacoby

This issue features an illustrated history of the land east of the Cocalico Creek that in the early nineteenth century developed into the village of Ephrata. The history continues up until the village’s incorporation as a borough in 1891. Paperback, 40 pages, illustrated, 8-3/8 x 11″.

Year: 1991 ID: BK#3 Price: $5.00

Volume XVII The Kimmel Family of the Cocalico Valley by Clarence E. Spohn

The journal features the genealogical and historical record of the Cocalico Valley’s Kimmel family beginning with the family’s German ancestor Johann Michael Kimmel (1662-1734), father of immigrant Johann Jacob Kimmel who settled in Ephrata in the mid-eighteenth century. The history follows the Ephrata Kimmel family through the mid-to-late nineteenth century. Paperback, 50 pages, illustrated, 6″ x 8-7/8″.

Year: 1992 ID: BK#4
Out of Stock

1993 journal

Volume XVIII – The Kelp / Kölb Family of the Cocalico Valley by Clarence E. Spohn

This issue of the journal records the genealogical and historical account of the Kelp / Kölb family who arrived at the Ephrata Cloister in 1764 from Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. The article also includes the accounts of the collateral families of Martin, Luther and Heitler who lived in-and-around the Cocalico Valley. Paperback, 54 pages, illustrated, includes family tree, 6″ x 8-7/8″.

Year: 1993 ID: BK#5 Price: $5.00

1994 journal

Volume XIX – The Bauman / Bowman Family of the Cocalico Valley: Printers, Papermakers and Tavernkeepers by Clarence E. Spohn

This issue features the historical and genealogical record of Ephrata’s Bauman/Bowman family beginning with John Bauman (1703-1771) and continuing through the mid-to-late nineteenth century. Also included is an illustrated bibliography of the imprints produced on the printing presses of Ephrata printers John, Samuel, and Joseph Bauman, along with an illustrated study of the printer’s ornaments used by the Baumans. The journal also includes an account of the Ephrata paper mill operated by Christian Bauman and his sons. Paperback, 100 pages, illustrated, includes a family tree, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 1994 ID: BK#6 Price: $5.00

1995 Journal

Volume XX – Michael Müller / Miller of Cocalico Township, Lancaster County and His “Debit Book” (1748-1786), translation by Alan G. Keyser, research and index by Clarence E. Spohn.

The journal features the fascinating translation of the eighteenth-century “Debit Book” of Ephrata Cloister householder Michael Müller / Miller. The book, which spans the years 1748-1786, is filled with the names of early Cocalico Valley residents. Miller, a “jack-of-all-trades,” was a farmer and window-maker, he repaired farm equipment, tools, and spinning wheels, he sharpened scissors and plowshares, and distilled liquor. His family spun and wove flax and wool and produced articles of clothing that were sold to their neighbors. Paperback, 86 pages, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 1995 ID: BK#7 Price: $5.00

1997 journal

Volume XXII – The 1869 Diary of Samuel R. Hess of Clay Township, Lancaster County, Mennonite, Farmer & Nurseryman, transcribed and indexed by Clarence E. Spohn

This issue contains the transcription of the 1869 diary of Clay Township resident Samuel R. Hess, and provides a day-to-day look at the life of a typical Mennonite farmer and businessman. The diary has been indexed by name and provides a list of local residents with whom Hess had contact with. Paperback, 54 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″

Year: 1997 ID: BK#8 Price: $5.00

2000 journal

Volume XXV – Reprint of “History of Bucher Thal and Denver.” Compiled and Elaborated by J. R. Johns, M. D., Denver, Pa., indexed by Clarence E. Spohn

Reprint of Dr. J. R. Johns’ 1896 history of Bucher Thal or Denver, Lancaster County, Pa., with name index, and patent map of present-day Denver by John A. Parmer. Issued on the occasion of the centennial of Denver Borough. Paperback, 56 pages, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2000 ID: BK#9 Price: $5.00

2001 journal

Volume XXVI – The Diary of Ida Stohler Trostle, Adamstown, Pennsylvania, 1901 – 1907, transcribed and indexed by Clarence E. Spohn

This issue contains the transcription of the fascinating diary of Adamstown resident Ida Stohler Trostle (1874-1967). The diary was written during the years that Ida’s husband Lewis Trostle was the proprietor of Adamstown’s “Lancaster County House”; it illustrates the day-to-day interaction of Ida with her family, friends and church community. The diary is footnoted and indexed. Paperback, 118 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2001 ID: BK#10 Price: $5.00

2002 journal

Volume XXVII – Contains 4 articles: A Brief History of the Ephrata Cloister Lower Mill, by Cynthia Marquet; Notes on the Geography of the Cloister Lower Mill Tract, by John A. Parmer; The Myths Surrounding the Ephrata Cloister and the Revolutionary War, by Clarence E. Spohn; and The Establishment of the Ephrata-Eberbach Sister City Relationship, by Clarence E. Spohn

Paperback, 74 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2002 ID: BK#11 Price: $5.00

2003 journal

Volume XXVIII – The Burial Records of Rev. A. W. Leibensperger, 1896-1903 and 1921-1928, transcribed by Clarence E. Spohn

This issue features the burial records of Rev. Ambrose W. Leibensperger from 1896 through 1903 when he served the Brickerville Lutheran Parish which included Emanuel Lutheran Church at Brickerville, Jerusalem Lutheran at Rothsville, Zion’s Lutheran at Akron, and White Oak Lutheran at Penryn. Also included are his burial records from 1921 to 1928 when he served the Reamstown Lutheran Parish and later the Muddy Creek Lutheran Parish. The two parishes included the following congregations: Bergstrasse Lutheran Church at Ephrata, Salem Lutheran at Reamstown, Muddy Creek Lutheran in East Cocalico Township, St. John’s (Center) in East Earl Township, St. Paul’s at Bowmansville, and St. Paul’s at Adamstown. Paperback, 68 pages, indexed, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2003 ID: BK#12 Price: $5.00

2004 journal

Volume XXIX – The Burial Records of Rev. A. W. Leibensperger, 1929-1947, transcribed by Clarence E. Spohn

This journal features the burial records of Rev. Ambrose W. Leibensperger from 1929 through 1947 when he served the Muddy Creek Lutheran Parish which included Bergstrasse Lutheran Church at Ephrata, Muddy Creek Lutheran in East Cocalico Township, St. John’s (Center) in East Earl Township, and St. Paul’s at Adamstown. Paperback, 72 pages, indexed, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2004 ID: BK#13 Price: $5.00

2005 journal

Volume XXX – The Northern Mutual Insurance Company of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Index to Policies, Volume 1, 1844 through 1867, by Clarence E. Spohn

Invaluable research tool which provides an alphabetical listing by name of insurance policies issued by the company between the years 1844 through 1867. The index provides the location of the insured’s property, the date the policy was issued, and the policy number which cross-references to the original insurance books in the Historical Society’s collection; the company issued policies issued for the property in Lancaster, Berks, Dauphin, and Lebanon Counties. The original records, copies of which can be obtained from the Society for a nominal fee, provide detailed descriptions of the insured’s property. Paperback, 102 pages, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2005 ID: BK#14 Price: $5.00

2006 journal

Volume XXXI – 125 Years of History, Ephrata National Bank, 1881 – 2006, by Paul W. Brubaker.

This issue of the journal commemorates the 125-year history of the Ephrata National Bank and includes brief biographical sketches of the bank’s seven presidents and a list of the bank’s directors since 1881. Paperback, 102 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2006 ID: BK#15 Price: $5.00

2007 journal

Volume XXXII  – Carved In Stone On Paper: Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Printed Family Registers Made for Pennsylvania German, by Corinne and Russell Earnest

This issue features an illustrated sampling of Pennsylvania German printed family registers, many of which relate to families who resided in the Cocalico Valley. Paperback, 82 pages, illustrated and indexed, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2007 ID: BK#16 Price: $5.00

2009 journal

Volume XXXIV  – “Selections From the Collections,” The Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley, by Clarence E. Spohn

This issue features an interesting illustrated sampling of items from the Society’s collections; included are examples of folk art, artwork, furniture, manuscripts, printed material, signs, textiles, and assorted miscellany. All of the items included were either made of owned by residents of the Cocalico Valley. Paperback, 70 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2009 ID: BK#18 Price: $3.80

2010 journal

Volume XXXV  – Lancaster County Privy Bags, by Clarke Hess

This journal served as the exhibit catalog for the Historical Society’s 2009-2010 special exhibition of Pennsylvania German pieced and appliqued privy bags curated by Clarke Hess. Filled with colored illustrations of examples of privy bags, all loaned to the Society from private collections, the catalog outlines their little-known history in Pennsylvania German culture. This was the first exhibit ever mounted devoted solely to the privy bag. Paperback. 32 pages, colored illustrations, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2010 ID: BK#19 Price: $5.00

Historical Narrative Journal 2011

Volume XXXVI – A Historical Narrative of 18th and 19th Century Local and National Events, by Joel Westerhoff

This Journal traces the history of the Cocalico Valley incorporating national events that either directly or indirectly impacted its history. Included are brief historical sketches of many of the Valley’s communities. Paperback, 80 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2011 ID: BK#20 Price: $5.00

Stauffer Journal 2012

Volume XXXVII – Harry Franklin Stauffer, Printer and Tinker of Farmersville, West Earl Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. Part I – Biography and Printing Career, by Clarence E. Spohn

In addition to offering a biography of Harry Franklin Stauffer [1896-1982], the journal traces his printing career which began in 1915 when he was employed with Silas Bard’s Denver Press. In later years Stauffer operated the print shop of Weaver’s Book Store, Lancaster. Following his retirement from Weaver’s, he established a private press—the “Conestoga Press”— for the purpose of demonstrating the art of printing at the Kutztown Folk Festival. The journal also records the restoration of the historic Ephrata press at the historic Ephrata Cloister. Paperback, 132 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2012 ID: BK#21 Price: $5.00

2013 Journal

Volume XXXVIII – Harry Franklin Stauffer, Printer and Tinker of Farmersville, West Earl Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. Part II – Furniture Maker and Photographer, by Clarence E. Spohn.

This year’s journal continues with the story of Harry Franklin Stauffer [1896-1982] of Farmersville, West Earl Twp. The journal documents his little-known career as a furniture maker in the 1920s and his intense interest in photography. He began taking photographs in 1915 and continued to pursue his hobby through the early1970’s, recording for posterity the heritage of southeastern and south-central Pennsylvania. Important examples from his vast photographic collection, now in the possession of the HSCV, are found in the book and represent his interest in nature, architecture, and local history. Included are over 140 illustrations taken by Stauffer between 1915 and 1968, included are not only scenes from the Cocalico Valley and other areas of Lancaster County but also views from the neighboring counties of Lebanon, Berks, Chester, Bucks, and Montgomery. Paperback, 112 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2013 ID: BK#22 Price: $5.00

2014 Journal Musselmans of Murrell

Volume XXXIX – The Musselmans of Murrell, Pioneer Dealers in Pennsylvania German and Early American Antiques, by Clarence E. Spohn.

The fascinating story of Ada and Clayton Musselmans’ antique business which the couple operated out of their home at 766-768 East Main St., Ephrata. From 1922 through 1946 the Musselman’s, assisted by their son David, operated their antique shop along Route 322 in the village of Murrell, Ephrata Twp. The shop was patronized by collectors and dealers from far and wide; antiques were shipped from Murrell to California, Minnesota, Texas, etc. Among the Musselmans’ better-known customers were the noted collector’s Henry Francis du Pont of Winterthur, Mrs. Emily Johnston de Forest, who was affiliated with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Albert Bachelder Wells of Sturbridge Village, Titus Cornelius Geesey, who donated a portion of his renown collection to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and Dr. Albert Coombs Barnes of the Barnes Foundation. The journal contains a biography of the couple, traces the history of their antique business, and concludes with the story of the liquidation of the Musselman collection at a series of over forty auctions following the death of David Musselman in 1974. Paperback, 108 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2014 ID: BK#23 Price: $5.00

HSCV Journal

Volume XL – Ephrata Borough: The Formative Years, 1891-1906, Ephrata’s Burgesses/Mayors and Members of Council, by Clarence E. Spohn.

The story of the events leading up to the incorporation of the Borough of Ephrata in 1891, its incorporation, and the history of the borough’s first fifteen years of existence. Included are the names of the petitioners, all Ephrata property owners, who signed the petition in favor of the town’s incorporation in 1891, along with brief biographical sketches and portraits when available. The story of the town’s early history documents the many challenges that faced the town’s early elected officials, such as the development of an electrical plant, a public water plant, the construction of streets and sidewalks, and the enactment of ordinances that regulated day-to-day life in the town. The journal also includes biographies of the borough’s burgesses and mayors from 1891 to the present, along with a list of the men and women who have served on Ephrata Borough Council through the years along with their term of office. Included in the list of mayors is a biography of Ephrata’s only honorary mayor, Evelyn (Ay) Sempier, Miss America 1954. Paperback, 112 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″

Year: 2015 ID: BK#24 Price: $5.00

Journal 2017

Volume XLI – Early Cocalico Area Roads, by Kenneth D. McCrea, Ph.D

The history of early Cocalico roads, compiled using early road papers and dockets of Lancaster County dating from 1735 to 1802.  The documents provide insight into the residents living along the roadways as well as clues to everyday life and the growth of the area’s economy.  112 pages, illustrated, name index, 8 ½” x 11″

Year: 2016 ID: BK#25 Price: $5.00

Vol. XLII: “A School for the Ages,” by Gary P. Klinger.

Vol. XLII: “A School for the Ages,” by Gary P. Klinger.

An interesting and liberally illustrated history of Ephrata Borough’s Highland Avenue School and its various uses and additions. Designed by noted architect C. Emlen Urban and erected in 1927 as the Borough’s high school, the venerable building still serves the elementary students of its neighborhood.

Year: 2017 ID: Bk #26 Price: $5.00

Vol. XLIII: “From Museum to Mansion: The History of the Moore Connell Family and Their Historic Home,” by Clarence E. Spohn.

Vol. XLIII: “From Museum to Mansion: The History of the Moore Connell Family and Their Historic Home,” by Clarence E. Spohn.

Rich with factual detail, this is a very comprehensive history of the Moore and Rebecca (Konigmacher) Connell family and their gracious mansion, which today serves as the Historical Society’s museum. The formative years of the Society are also discussed at length.

Year: 2018 ID: Bk #27 Price: $5.00

Vol. XLIV: “The Northern Mutual Insurance Company of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: Index to Policies, Vol. II, 1868 through April, 1876.”

Vol. XLIV: “The Northern Mutual Insurance Company of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: Index to Policies, Vol. II, 1868 through April, 1876.”

A useful index to the policies of the Northern Mutual Insurance Company of Lancaster County, this is a continuation of the Society’s journal of 2005. Northern Mutual’s policy books are among the Society’s most prized possessions and are invaluable as a research source, as the policies describe each insured building on thousands of properties. The company, well-patronized throughout the region, issued fire insurance on domestic, agricultural, and commercial structures, including houses, summer kitchens, barns, stables, workshops, mills, hotels, factories, and small outbuildings.

Year: 2019 ID: Bk #28 Price: $5.00

Vol. XLV: “Adamstown: The Beginnings,” by Penny L. Lyba.

Vol. XLV: “Adamstown: The Beginnings,” by Penny L. Lyba.

This volume is replete with information on the early settlers of Adamstown and its vicinity, presenting a wealth of data from tax lists, estate records, deeds, and other primary sources. It continues from the period of settlement through 1816, and should be considered essential reading for those interested in Adamstown’s establishment and early growth.

Year: 2020 ID: Bk #29 Price: $14.00

Vol. XLVI: “The Journals of Emanuel Kraft Duck: An Account of Everyday Life in Brownstown and West Earl Township; Part 1: 1873-1893,” transcribed and annotated by Clarence E. Spohn.

Vol. XLVI: “The Journals of Emanuel Kraft Duck: An Account of Everyday Life in Brownstown and West Earl Township; Part 1: 1873-1893,” transcribed and annotated by Clarence E. Spohn.

Vol. 1 of the journals of Emanuel Kraft Duck of Brownstown, son of blacksmith Emanuel Duck and Mary (Kraft) Duck. Born in 1852, the chronicler noted community events large and small, recording many otherwise-forgotten local happenings. The carefully transcribed journal entries are annotated in detail by Clarence E. Spohn, and the annotations aid immeasurably in clarifying the identities of the numerous individuals mentioned in Duck’s accounts.

Year: 2021 ID: Bk #30 Price: $17.50

Vol. XLVII: “The Journals of Emanuel Kraft Duck: An Account of Everyday Life in Brownstown and West Earl Township; Part 2: 1894-1859,” transcribed and annotated by Clarence E. Spohn.

Vol. XLVII: “The Journals of Emanuel Kraft Duck: An Account of Everyday Life in Brownstown and West Earl Township; Part 2: 1894-1859,” transcribed and annotated by Clarence E. Spohn.

Emanuel Kraft Duck kept up his journal entries until around the time of his death in 1926. They were afterwards continued by his daughter, Mary F. Duck, who carried on her father’s accounting in much the same manner and spirit. As with Vol. 1, the annotations supply a great deal of additional detail.

Year: 2022 ID: Bk #31 Price: $17.50

Vol. XLVIII: “Selections from the Collection: Objects of Note and the Stories They Tell,” compiled by Denise Witwer Lahr.

This beautifully-illustrated journal features numerous items of particular note, all part of the Society’s collections, and describes them and their interesting and varied origins and histories.

Year: 2025 ID: Bk #32 Price: $17.50

Vol. XLIX: “The ‘Cloister Boys’ and the Mexican Border Campaign of 1916-1917,” by Clarence E. Spohn.

An exploration of the experiences of eight young Ephrata men who participated in the little-remembered Mexican Border Campaign, as related contemporaneously in letters written to Ephrata’s hometown newspaper by Corporal Hugh Frederick Eisemann.  The letters describe the men’s camp near El Paso and their activities there in detail, as well as their trips from Pennsylvania to Texas and back home again.  Introductory material by Clarence Spohn provides a historical backdrop.

Year: 2025 ID: Bk #33 Price: $17.50

Other Publications
publication 1986

Portraits of the Past From the Cocalico Valley

An illustrated picture book containing over 125 captioned “portraits” of late eighteenth and early nineteenth-century residents of the Cocalico Valley arranged by the municipality. Pictures include sports teams, school classes, bands and orchestras, fraternal organizations, people at work and leisure, children, and individual portraits. Paperback, 132 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 1986 ID: BK#100 Price: $10.00

And The Improvements Upon The Land

An illustrated picture book containing over 130 captioned late eighteenth and early nineteenth-century photographs of buildings and structures from around the Cocalico Valley. The photographs are arranged by subject and include the Ephrata Cloister, farms and homes, churches, businesses, schools, and bridges. Paperback, 136 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 1988 ID: BK#101
Out of Stock

Sights, Scenes, Visions and Dreams, Looking Back at Ephrata, by Cynthia Marquet

An illustrated picture book containing over 130 late eighteenth and early nineteenth photographs and illustrations documenting a wide variety of subjects in Ephrata’s history. Each illustration is accompanied by detailed historical text and arranged by categories, including: homes, businesses and public works; churches and schools; and events and activities. Hardbound, 208 pages, illustrated, 10-5/8″ x 9 ½”.

Year: 1993 ID: BK#102 Price: $10.00

Publication 2006

A Postcard Tour of the Cocalico Valley, Volume One: Ephrata, by James W. Brodt

This fascinating book documents over 280 nineteenth-century postcard views of Ephrata and Lincoln; each illustration is accompanied by a caption. Subjects include the Ephrata Cloister, the Ephrata Monument, the Cocalico Creek and bridge, street scenes, buildings, businesses, events, churches, schools, railroad stations, trolleys, hotels, Clare Point Stock Farm and race track, sports teams, etc. Hardbound, 100 pages, illustrated, endnotes, 9-5/8″ x 12-3/4″.

Year: 2006 ID: BK#103 Price: $10.00

Transparencies, Reflections, Light: Photographic Views of the Cocalico Valley, by Cynthia Marquet

An illustrated picture book containing over 167 late eighteenth and early nineteenth photographs and illustrations documenting a wide variety of subjects in the Cocalico Valley. Each illustration is accompanied by detailed historical text. The photographs are arranged by municipality and include the boroughs of Adamstown, Akron, Denver, and Ephrata, and the townships of Earl (Hinkletown), Clay, West Earl, Ephrata, East Cocalico, and West Cocalico. Subjects include churches, businesses, homes, and homesteads, modes of transportation, schools, mills, etc. Clothbound, 236 pages, illustrated, endnotes, 11-1/4″ x 8-3/4″.

Year: 2008 ID: BK#105 Price: $10.00

publication 2010

Hattie Brunner, Images from a Life, by Dr. James A. Tshudy, et al

Full color illustrated exhibit catalog of Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley’s 2010-2011 exhibition devoted to the life of Reinhold’s folk artist and antiquarian Hattie Klapp Brunner (1889-1982). Among the illustrations included in the catalog are twenty-five examples of Hattie’s folk art watercolors which are today sought by folk art collectors across the nation. Paperback, 28 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2010 ID: BK#107 Price: $5.00


Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley Coloring Book

Coloring book for children featuring the Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley’s museum and items featured in its exhibits. Paperback, 16 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″

Year: 2010 ID: BK#108 Price: $2.00

Through The Years 2011

Through The Years” Photographic Views of the Cocalico Valley, by Cynthia Marquet

A fascinating book containing over 175 previously unpublished photographs from around the Cocalico Valley. The photographs are arranged by municipality, span the years 1870 through the 1960s, and represent local events, buildings, and even a few personalities from bygone days. Each photograph is accompanied by text that records the history of the image. Clothbound, 240 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2011 ID: BK#109 Price: $25.00

J Keller 2011

James “Jim” Keller… The Remarkable Talent of Spruce Street, And Two Chicks, One Named “Junior,” by Dr. James A. Tshudy

Full color illustrated exhibit catalog of the Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley’s 2011-2012 exhibition devoted to the life of Ephrata artist James L. Keller (1917-2003). Included in the catalog are over forty-five illustrations of Jim’s artwork, many of which are from private collections. Paperback, 20 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2011 ID: BK#110 Price: $11.00

An Illustrated History of Paper Advertising in the Cocalico Valley: 1795 through 1950, by Clarence E. Spohn

A beautiful volume containing over 600 full-color illustrations of local advertising from around the Cocalico Valley. Included in the book are the history of the various newspapers that were published in the Cocalico Valley, a selection of 19th and early 20th-century public auction broadsides, and an outstanding sampling of advertising ephemera of area businesses. Accompanying each advertising item is a detailed history of the business which it prompted. Businesses include general merchandise and dry goods stores, drug stores, clothing and shoe stores, grocery stores, hardware stores, and lumberyards, hotels, etc. Clothbound, 240 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2012 ID: BK#111 Price: $40.00

Publication 2013, WWII Book, Vol. I_small

What’s Cookin’ Among Our Boys and Girls in the Armed Forces — The Cocalico Valley and World War II, Vol. I – December 1941 through April 1944, compiled by Clarence E. Spohn

The stories of the men and women from the Cocalico Valley who served their country during WWII, as told by newspaper articles published in The Ephrata Review from December 1941 through April 1944. The newspaper articles include letters written home by those in the military, along with articles found in the paper’s weekly columns, “What’s Cookin’ Among Our Boys in the Armed Services,” the weekly Denver column, “With Those in the Service,” and extracts from community “Personals” and news columns relating to individuals in the military. Also included are articles on those killed and wounded in the service of their country. Each chapter begins with an abbreviated timeline of the War during the period covered by that chapter. The volume is indexed by surname. Clothbound, 354 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″

Year: 2013 ID: BK#112 Price: $37.50

WWII Book, Vol. II_small1

What’s Cookin’ Among Our Boys and Girls in the Armed Forces — The Cocalico Valley and World War II, Vol. II – May 1944 through December 1945, compiled by Clarence E. Spohn

A second volume, picking up where Volume I left off, continues to tell the stories of the men and women from the Cocalico Valley who served their country during WWII, as told by newspaper articles published in The Ephrata Review from May

1944 through December 1945. The newspaper articles include letters written home by those in the military, along with articles found in the paper’s weekly columns, “What’s Cookin’ Among Our Boys in the Armed Services,” the weekly Denver column, “With Those in the Service,” and extracts from community “Personals” and news columns relating to individuals in the military. Also included are articles on those killed and wounded in the service of their country. Each chapter begins with an abbreviated timeline of the War during the period covered by that chapter. The volume is indexed by surname. Clothbound, 476 pages, illustrated, 8 ½” x 11″.

Year: 2014 ID: BK#113 Price: $37.50

Lincoln Map

1887 View of Lincoln by Thaddeus M. Fowler

Reprint of Fowler’s 1887 illustrated map of Lincoln (now part of Ephrata), Pa., 24″ x 18″.

ID: ART#200 Price: $15.00

Denver Map

1887 View of Denver by Thaddeus M. Fowler

Reprint of Fowler’s 1887 illustrated map of Denver, Pa., 24″ x 17 ½”.

ID: ART#201 Price: $15.00

Taft Print

1994 The Heritage of the Ephrata Cloister Print by the late Al Taft

artist signed, numbered limited edition of 475 copies. The print features a central view of the Saron and Saal at the Ephrata Cloister surrounded by twelve views of Cloister-related buildings. The views of the buildings that form the border include the Henry Miller Tavern, the Eicher Sisters’ Cabin, and the Cloister Grist Mill, the Ephrata Academy. Also are included the houses of Ephrata Cloister members: Jacob Kimmel, Benjamin Konigmacher, Jacob Gorgas, Dietrich Fahnestock, Abel Witwer, Ludwig Blum, Dr. Jacob Konigmacher, and Samuel Zerfass. A key providing the location and a brief history of each house accompanies; 20″ x 14 ¼”.

ID: ART#202 Price: $15.00

1983 The Denver School, Denver, Pa., Built 1901 Print by Marilyn Fichthorn

limited edition of 1,000 copies, 22 3/8″ x 17 ½”.

ID: ART#203 Price: $15.00

Ephrata Community Creations

This is a specialty print on quality linen paper, measuring 17½” x 22 ½”.  It represents the Ephrata area by Community Creations, Inc.  Community Creations, Inc. designed this one-of-a-kind caricature-style drawing, featuring some of the most recognizable places of local interest, and it is available for purchase exclusively from the HSCV.

Price: $15.00

1927 Ephrata

Found in the archives of the Hagley Museum and Library in Wilmington, Delaware, and with their permission, HSCV is able to make this unique 1927 aerial photo of the Borough of Ephrata available for purchase.  The reproduction features amazing details of early 20th century Ephrata, covering Main Street from the Walter Moyer Company east to the area of Bergstrasse Church and beyond, as well as State Street from the beginning of the 300 block of South State north to the Walnut Street intersection.  On the square can be seen the Mount Vernon Hotel, which was razed in the 1950’s to make way for the J. J. Newberry building, most recently the home of the Ephrata Review.  A baseball diamond, complete with grandstand, is visible where today’s American Legion sits near Grater Park.  The Eby Shoe complex dominates the area between Church Avenue and Duke Street.  Gerhart Lumber and coal bins can be seen where the current rail trail follows the old railroad line between Fulton Street and Main Street behind today’s borough offices.


Thanks to the services of the Digital Design/Print Media class at the Brownstown Campus of the Lancaster County Career & Technology Center, HSCV is able to offer 18” x 24” black and white prints

Price: $30.00